In this post, we’ll reveal 10 foods that may cause inflammation based on their ingredients. You’ll learn what foods to avoid and how to make the best choices for a healthy lifestyle.
There is a lot of hype these days about how to live a healthy lifestyle. I am so glad the tides are turning in this direction, and as you know, I am definitely riding the wave!
You see, inflammation in the body can be harmful.
But not all inflammation is created equal. I will say that the inflammatory response to injury is a natural and necessary one, in that inflammation helps the body repair. But, what about when you are not injured?
That’s the inflammation I am talking about. Disease-causing inflammation, and inflammation that makes you feel bloated and blah.
In a nutshell, chronic inflammation can be harmful. And what you eat can actually play a big part in the inflammatory process. Specifically, eating ultra-processed foods is highly correlated with chronic inflammation.
Certain foods can affect inflammatory markers in the body. A diet made up of the following foods, among others we will discuss, is associated with the inflammatory response I’m talking about:
- Trans fats, like margarine
- Processed meats, like sausage and bacon
- Fried foods
- Foods with refined sugar
I have used intermittent fasting to work on reducing the timeframes during which I eat, which has helped me a lot to stop snacking, particularly on ultra-processed foods.
Yes, there is a correlation between chronic inflammation and obesity.
Excessive sugar, for example, can lead to both inflammation and weight gain, which has led some researchers to recommend lowering sugar intake for weight loss.
Additionally, there is a strong correlation between ultra-processed foods and chronic inflammation.
The great news is there are tons of foods that are anti-inflammatory, which I discuss in my post on 18 anti-inflammatory foods.
Processed and packaged foods that line grocery store shelves are full of added sugars. Both sucrose (you know it as table sugar) and high fructose corn syrup (found in so many products) are positively correlated to inflammation, meaning the more sugar you have, the more likely you will have chronic inflammmation.
To avoid added sugars, look out for pastries, cookies, cereals, and candy. You know, basically all of the packaged convenience foods so typical of today. I share more how to spot hidden sugars as well. Finding it hard to quit sugar? I did it, and you that you can, too!
Trans fats are inflammatory foods to avoid. Think about it, foods last for months on the grocery store shelf thanks to the addition of trans fats. When you look at it that way, it’s not really something that you want to put in your body, right?
Look out for packaged cookies and cakes, french fries, shortening, and margarine. If you see trans fats on the label, walk away.
Foods high in added sugars and empty carbs leave very little nutrients to be absorbed.
Honestly, thinking about eating crisp vegetables, juicy fruits, and satisfying whole grains sounds much more inviting than eating a bag of chips, a handful of cookies, and a soda. Make the move.
Processed meat contains nitrates and nitrates and is associated with increased inflammation.
5) MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)
If you are a lover of deli meat, fast food, canned vegetables, and prepared Asian food, you may be consuming MSG, otherwise known as monosodium glutamate. It is a known cause of food-related inflammation.
Look for “no MSG added” when out at restaurants or eating take-out food.
For some, gluten can cause an extreme inflammatory response. Many choose not to eat foods containing gluten, however research has recommended those without gluten intolerances not avoid gluten. For
Bread, couscous, and other foods made with wheat, barley, and rye are the culprits. Avoid inflammation by purchasing foods that are gluten-free. When reading the labels, however, make sure that the gluten-free product does not contain unnecessary added ingredients like potato starch or tons of sugar.
Aspartame is an artificial sugar and has no nutritional value. People choose to buy diet sodas and other sugar-free food items as a weight control aid, but that may not help as much as they think.
Not only can longterm aspartame potentially cause inflammation, but it also could lead to you making more unhealthy choices because it may make you crave more sweet food.
Milk products contain casein. Studies have shown that casein can cause digestive discomfort and inflammation. Cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and milk contain casein.
Shop for plant-based alternatives, like almond or coconut milk and plant-based yogurt and cheese.
An overabundance of Omega 6s found in the oils added to salad dressing products can trigger an inflammatory response in the body.
Better choices for oil are olive, coconut, grapeseed, and avocado oils. Olive oil has many antioxidants. Grapeseed oil has antioxidants, too.
CRP, or C-reactive protein, is an inflammatory marker that shows an elevation in those who consume alcohol to a level that is beyond safe for them. Overconsumption of alcohol can cause inflammation.
Keep your alcohol intake at a minimum or consider not drinking at all.
Thanks Lacey , loved and enjoyed your post . It was informative and helpful . Please do share such posts in the near future .
I notice recipes for whole wheat items still include some all purpose flour. Would there still be an inflammatory response in the body if the flours are mixed?
Many live in only the physical dimension of their lives forgetting that wholistic health requires us to nurture the body, mind and spirit. I happen to be Muslim (and 66 years of age) and life has taught me that there is simply NO way to attain the ideal state of health without getting on your knees to thank your Maker. At least acknowledge Him on a regular basis. You must keep an open line of communication with Him and not consult Him only when in pain and despair. I won't bore you the chronicle of my physical trials, but I can say that a "clean" diet is not the ultimate answer. There is so, so much more to acquiring and maintaining good health.
I agree
I have always excersized, avid runner, yoga, light weights. I lost 20 lbs. at age 13. I had 4 children and returned to my petite suze each time, and was always able to loose 5 lbs with diet and excersize through out the years. 4 years ago at age 58 i put 5lbs. on. I increased my running and decreased my caloric intake. After 20 more months i started gaining more and more and now after 4 years I am 22lbs heVier despite how very little i eat. Ive had to switch to power walking because of my bad back. No matter what I do It seems like I can't loose an once of weight, and I don't know what to do. My freeT4 tested one point below low normal and my TSH has decreased by 50 % in the past 2 years but still what my doc considers normal range. My inflamation markers tested high. I feel i have hypothyroidism, But my Dr. doesn't see it. I have depression, anxiety, panick attacks, ridge's in my finger nails, weight gain, huge hair loss, brain fog, memory lapses, lack of motivation , and digestive issues, food sensitivities, interrupted sleep, despite walking 6 to 9 miles daily and eating a very clean diet. I've tried everything to no avail.
This exact thing happened to me. It turned out the cause was one of my medications. Are you taking anything, or did you start taking anything that might have caused these side effects. For me it was an injectable migraine med.
Ruth L West
Me too. And no medications at all.
I've discovered that, for me, one of the major culprits was glyphosate (RoundUp), which comes with every grain dish that you eat - bread, pasta, cereal - unless it's organic. I have improved a lot by cutting that and insecticides out of my food.
Shannon Hurst
I had a reaction to one of my injectable migraine medications I think they were administering it to often. It affected my speech my vision everything.
It is finally getting back to normal.
Shannon Hurst
Sponiliosis, and rotator cuff surgeries, I had several bone spurs, i think they were hereditary built up of calcium deposits, I believe to be an allergy, to some milk proteins .
Calling Eggs inflammatory, is one of the most retarded comments i have heard in years...
It is like when people think they're allergic to nuts or other stuff, but really what they're allergic to, is Peanuts, being it is a Legume, and it confuses the body, but so does other stuff!!! Your body can get so confused, that even water can trigger blood sugar!!!
Eat natural, and quit the carbs that causes all known folk-diseases... Your body does not need carbs, it needs fat, which is why something like Paleo, Keto, LCHF, is such huge successes, it works, because the body gets what it needs!!!
I was dx with CLL Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia 3 weeks ago, a manageable leukemia. I already eat mainly plant based & alkaline, no processed foods or fast foods, very active, competitive athlete. However now I am getting stricter with my diet to totally plant based, cutting out all inflammatory foods but am finding it hard to find conclusive lists, they seem to be conflicting. I also need to keep protein high for competing and have used protein powders and chicken,fish in the past, now, find it hard to have adequate protein without too many carbs causing weight gain. Any suggestions? Are egg whites inflammatory? I read about eggs several places being yes or no, depending on the person, but nothing about just whites. And, last, do you have a printer version of this article without all the ads? Thank you
Sorry, I don't have answers to your nutrition questions, but if you want a printer version of the article w/o all the adds, try opening the article in either the Edge or Opera browser.
I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis. If you google, there are a number of videos and articles from competing body builders who have found success getting their protein from a solely vegan or plant-based diet. That's a personal choice, but it's worth checking out and experimenting. It's recommended, from all I've read, to also keep egg whites to a minimum or not at all, but keep those yolks. I'm finding that for inflammatory foods, if you begin with AIP, that's a good base. It's difficult and overwhelming if you're not prepared, but it's temporary. It gives your body time to heal and also makes it easy to recognize reactions when you reintroduce foods. And after a little bit, you start to feel really good. There are many resources and ideas regarding diets. And many are logical. Ultimately though, what you chose to follow depends on your particular body and circumstances, coupled with the intensity of your "why" to follow-through, and what feels accessible and doable for your lifestyle. What I eat is a conglomeration of many diets. I wish you all the best and hope you find healing.
Gary W Clayton
I'm coming off of a 114 days of the carnivore diet I went on this due to the testimonies claiming that it could help a lot with rheumatoid arthritis from which I suffer
I am finding this post enormously helpful as I re enter different type of eating