I hope you all had a happy Halloween!
Jordan dressed up as a princess this year while Savannah was a little sweet pea. Super cute.
This was the first year Jordan went trick-or-treating. We weren't sure if "Playful Jordan" or "Timid Jordan" would show up for the trick-or-treating, but she loved it.
Surprisingly, Jordan had even more fun handing out our candy to the trick-or-treaters than she had getting the candy for herself.
With each ring of the doorbell or knock at the door, Jordan jumped with glee and sprinted to the door (her left arm flaying wildly to give extra momentum), yelling "Go go go!"
We really enjoyed this "first" for us with Jordan. It's so neat seeing her transform from a toddler into a little girl before our eyes.
We also enjoyed our little Savanns in her sweet pea costume. Especially the sprawled-out sleeping sweet pea that was super exhausted after watching her sister run around the neighborhood.
Good times.
NanaBread (Jeanne)
Your girls are growing up so fast! They're beautiful, Lacey. Thanks for sharing the photos. It's nice to catch up on how they're doing. Loved the Princess & The Pea theme. Adorable!
Lacey Baier
Thanks, Jeanne ๐
The cutest sweet pea I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing these photos!
Lacey Baier
Thanks! ๐
Soo cute! I love you photo's! They're so adorable! So what did you and your husband wear on Halloween? Thanks for sharing these photo's! Have a great weekend!
Lacey Baier
I grudgingly dressed up as a Texas Ranger baseball player for one party this year, but that was the extent of what either Dustin or I wore. We really aren't the dress up kind ๐
The Princess and The Sweet Pea, sounds like a fairy tale! You have a wonderful family.
Lacey Baier
Thanks, Claire ๐