Curious about the benefits of apple cider vinegar? Here are all the reasons why everyone is drinking apple cider vinegar, plus helpful tips on how to incorporate apple cider vinegar into your diet.
In This Post You'll Find:
- Listen To This Article
- Watch My Video On Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits
- What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?
- Why Drink Apple Cider Vinegar?
- Health Benefits
- Weight Loss Benefits
- Apple Cider Vinegar And Blood Sugar
- Apple Cider Vinegar and Heart Health
- How To Pick The Best ACV
- Potential Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar
- Reviews
Lately, everybody seems to be talking about the benefits of apple cider vinegar- how amazing it is and how it has so many health benefits. Is this just hype or is apple cider vinegar actually amazing? Are there actual health benefits of apple cider vinegar?
Believe it or not, apple cider vinegar was used as a natural remedy for health problems for a very long period. It’s an ancient remedy.
Let's get into the benefits.
Listen To This Article
It's important to note that apple cider vinegar won’t work miracles. And it can't replace a balanced diet and exercise. It's also important to recommend you speak with your doctor regarding whether adding apple cider vinegar to your diet is a good idea.
Watch My Video On Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits
What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?
Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made from apples. Duh, right? More specifically, it's fermented apple juice. To make apple cider vinegar, apples are crushed and exposed to yeast. By doing this, the natural sugar from the apple is fermented over time and turned into alcohol (like you would do with wine).
The difference between apple cider and apple cider vinegar is the apple cider vinegar is fermented twice–once to make alcoholic cider and a second time to make it vinegar.
Why Drink Apple Cider Vinegar?
As crazy as it may sound at first, drinking apple cider vinegar may bring you many health benefits which will be discussed in detail in just a sec. Additionally, apple cider vinegar may reduce cravings by inducing satiety (the feeling of fullness), making apple cider vinegar potentially helpful for weight loss.
Health Benefits
There has been some debate on the benefits of apple cider vinegar, which is why I am only sharing findings from trusted research articles. Based on my research, apple cider vinegar may...
- lower blood sugar levels
- improve insulin sensitivity
- increase satiety
- reduce belly fat
- lower cholesterol
- improves heart health
In the following sections, I'll break these down into how they might be impactful.
Weight Loss Benefits
A 2009 study by Kondo, et al. concluded apple cider vinegar might be effective for weight loss because the apple cider vinegar groups showed reduced body weight, BMI, visceral fat area, and waist circumference, compared to the placebo group. Another study found beneficial effects of ACV on weight management, and in particular, for overweight or obese individuals in that a combination of calorie restriction and apple cider vinegar intake led to a decrease in appetite, body weight, BMI, and hip circumference. does this happen? Apple cider vinegar may increase satiety (your feeling of fullness), which would help cue your body to stop eating.
For more on apple cider vinegar and weight loss, read this post.
Apple Cider Vinegar And Blood Sugar
Apple cider vinegar has been associated with reduced blood sugar levels when one is fasting, which could be beneficial for people who have difficulty regulating their own blood sugar levels, like those who have diabetes. However, the research authors note more research is needed to test this correlation further.
If you have diabetes and take insulin or prescription drugs, you should talk to your doctor before drinking apple cider vinegar.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Heart Health
Drinking apple cider vinegar before a meal may help lower cholesterol. Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar reduces LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol) in rats. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature concluded a significant favorable effect of ACV consumption on blood lipid levels.
A 2023 meta-analysis by Tehrani, et al. found that consumption of apple cider vinegar had a favorable effect in decreasing some Cardiometabolic syndrome (CMS) risk factors, which are a set of risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
How To Pick The Best ACV
Watch how to choose a good-quality ACV and the best way to drink ACV.
Potential Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar
It is important to note there are certain instances when apple cider vinegar is not recommended. Potential side effects of Apple Cider Vinegar may include:
- Tooth decay and weakened tooth enamel: As a reminder, drinking apple cider vinegar without diluting it is not recommended because it is acidic and may cause the breakdown of your tooth enamel. If you choose to drink apple cider vinegar, be sure it is diluted in water or another liquid.
- Skin and throat burns: Applying apple cider vinegar to the skin and throat may cause chemical burns in some people.
- Lacking long term appetite suppression – while the research did find ACV to help lower appetite, it is also noted it was only observed for the short term, not for the long-term
- Small studies have suggested that apple cider vinegar may reduce the rate at which food leaves the stomach and enters the lower digestive tract, which could slow the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream and lead to heartburn, nausea, and bloating.
Have you tried apple cider vinegar? Let me know in the comments below!
Please can I like drink ACV mixed in a plastic of warm water first thing in the morning on empty stomach?
Hope it won't be harmful? Like some people said one can't drink it on empty stomach or while on fruit fast, please how true is it?
Thank you.
Veera R Bagadia
Ya, ACV is acidic, so it can not be taken on empty stomach and / or when You are on fasting.
I have taken it many times on an empty stomach while fasting with no issues. I dilute it with water and am sure to drink more water afterwards. Maybe it depends on the person.
Pitamber Joshi
Is apple cedar venegar useful in treatment of gall bladder stone & prostrate gland ?
I have been mixing mine in with my morning shake with the Organic Greens, all in one quick easy mix. I mix ACV with the powder with juice and fruit VIOLA. 🙂
George Hill
I am just starting with Apple Cider Vinegar. I am drinking 2 tablespoons with about 10 oz of cold water. I am not having any problem with this. Would I be better off to take 1 tablesooon in the morning and 1 tablespoon at night or stay with the 2 tablespoons in the morning with the rest of my supplements?
Lacey Baier
It really depends on your preference. 🙂
Ohh that is nice
I’ve just started apple cider vinegar and I’m on my fourth day the taste gets better I’m just putting it in some water in the morning thank you for your good advice have a nice day
Carol J Peterson
Love the article. My husband has been taking Bragg's for the past 5 mo. He has lost 3" around his waste. But he takes a lot...4 T in 8 oz. of water with a dash of salt and 9 drops of Zulay liquid Stevia drops once a day. He has also cut back on carbs and sugar and increased protein and no exercise. He is a channel clicker. He has gone from 235 lbs. to 215 lbs. He still has a ways to go to loose more belly fat at 5' 6". He was pre diabetic and now is not. He has also lowered his cholesterol and blood pressure but is still on meds. He also is on meds for acid reflux which got worse so the Dr. told him to increase 1 pill every 8 hours instead of just 1. He 79 years old.
So don’t take ACV if you have severe Acid reflex thought it helped ???
Marcia Samuels
I read it’s not good ACV will just make it worst
Sounds like the true hero here isn't the ACV, but, the fact he also reduced carbs and sugar and eats more protein. Well done for all of this healthy changes.
Bob Garabedian
Hello Carol... I used to know a Carol Peterson in Chicago in 1959. I am 89 years old. About 10 years ago I had my gall bladder removed. I also have no thyroid glands and also have had prostate cancer.
After my gall bladder removel I had great problems with my stomach. Lots of gerds and stomach aches like crazy. They put me on sucralafat and omeprazole ; at least 2 times a day. Helped , but not always. After 10 years on omeprazole I shrunked 2 inches. I am now 5 by 5. I had to find a better way to get off this omeprazole. I decided to read up on gerds and stomnach aches. I found chammomile tea with a pinch of lavander and a pinch of habiscus tea, with one tablespoon full of Bragg,s apple cidar AND I have breakfast with a half spoon crushed Ginger and supper the same. WHAT A RELEAF. I try to walk 500 feet 3 to 4 times a week. And sit in the sun for 20 minutes a day for the vitamin D. I now weigh 163. I use Truvia or just a little honey for a sweetener... God Bless... Best wishes I. Bob Garabedian Friant, Calif.
Thank you for that information! I also have Gerd and stomach aches and am looking to try something other than a pill. I'll give this a shot!
Cindy A
i have a recurring ovarian cyst, can it shrink the cyst?
Iyabo Shoremi
I have a mild fibrod. Can it help
Jen Moderator
Hi Cindy! Thank you for your comment. I'm Lacey's blog moderator and we discussed your question. Here's our overall take...while advocates of natural healing suggest apple cider vinegar as a treatment for ovarian cysts, there is no published research indicating it's effectiveness. As this is often the case, we suggest talking to your doctor or naturopath to see if ACV would be a good fit for you. In general we'd's worth a try!
Jan Hansen
Read about Iodine ..
Julia Bacher
What about Apple cider gummies?
Julia Bacher
I meant Apple cider Vinegar gummies are they as good?
Gary Hughes
You won't receive a reply about apple cider gummies because this site is promoting a different brand, I've read up on apple cider vinegar gummies and they seem to do the same things.
The apple cider vinegar gummies did sound a bit expensive to me.
E Chavez
I drink 1 tablespoon acv with 1 tablespoon organic honey in 4oz warm water every morning I have good cholesterol results and good A1C ‘s
Thank you for your comment, it was what I was looking for. You described exactly how you took the ACV and your results. As I know results will vary. I have high HDL and LDL and my Dr wants to put me on a statin and I'm looking for alternatives before I start prescriptions. I have until July to bring my numbers down. Cheers!!
Sheri Mcgraw
Also acv gummies have too much sugar, not sure why, for taste I suppose.. as it seems to negate the good qualities of the acv..Briggs still the best..
I tried several different types of ACV gummies and they tended to make me constipated. Goli was one I tried as well as others. Same affect. Bragg is the best
I drink 2 tablespoons in a cup with water and a little apple cider for sweetness. Warmed in microwave. Can also add lemon, ginger, cinnamon.....
Loved the article! One issue..... apple cider vinegar is great way to treat acid reflux. Natural alternative to antacids.
I have a cayenne tincture and I do a shot glass of apple cider vinegar and one dropper full of that in it first thing in the morning and it’s been the best decision I’ve made for my health.
I am 80 years old and I have been taking apple cider vinaigrette for about a year. I am having trouble with my legs with tiredness and aches and pain. Is it possible if the apple vinagar causes this problem with my legs.
Yes this an extreme side affect with taking too much apple cider vinegar. You should probably take less. And if you are already 80, you've come far enough in your life to not torture yourself with drinking this crap. Eat more ice cream and enjoy life more buddy.
How long one is advisable to take ACV?(dosage) Also are children under the age of 5 advisable to take it?
Terri, the tiredness and aches and pain could be due to ageing symptoms like Osteoarthritis, you should consult with your doctor about this as they have treatments to alleviate the symptoms like Hydrotherapy pools and supplements you can take. I cant comment if ACV is the cause, but cant say I have heard of it causing the symptoms you are describing.
Terry, if your on statin drugs you may want to investigate if that is the problem. Station drugs can cause pain and muscle weakness.
I drink it added to my tea and a teaspoon of honey. When I drink it I lose about 1 lbs every 2 days. Plus with exercise and a healthy diet. When I don't drink it the pounds don't drop. So yes ACV makes a tremendous difference in weight loss.
do you only take 2 tablespoons per day and does it matter what time of day you drink your tea?
please tell me when the best time to take apple on a herbel diet. ,,reason had stage 4 prostate cancer,,now my cancer has dropped ,,much. am in good shape and do many exercises.
I drink 1 TBsp of ACV in 8oz of pure apple juice (through a straw to protect my teeth) twenty minutes before each meal (breakfast/lunch/dinner) to dissolve gallstones. Takes away the gallbladder/liver ache as well.
Scott Johnson
I drink mine mixed with pure apple cider.
1 teaspoon in an 8oz. class of cider.
2 Tablespoons mixed with a can of Tomato juice, taste great.
Heather R Miller
This is how I drink it! I love it!