This ultimate guide to the best vegan protein substitutes lists 20 of the best vegan proteins, making it easy to ensure you are still getting the all-important protein in your diet.
Eating clean, making sure your daily meals have lots of green (think awesome mason jar salads prepped and ready in the fridge!), and including tons of variety are great ways to live a healthy lifestyle. I’m also totally into meal planning, and I’ll go for vegan or vegetarian dishes occasionally, too.
Choosing vegan protein options isn’t complicated once you know which ones are best. However, it is important to know that plant-based proteins aren’t all the same.
Knowing which vegan protein substitutes are the best will help ensure that you get all of the necessary amino acids because these proteins are needed to keep your body functioning. Proteins (both animal and plant-based) are made up of 20 amino acids. Nine of them are called “essential amino acids” meaning they must be obtained by dietary means.
Yes, vegans can get the complete protein requirements needed daily. You may have noticed I said complete proteins. Let me explain that a little further.
Amino acids are considered the all-important building blocks of protein. There are 20, 13 of which the body produces on its own. The other 9 are taken from the food we eat.
A complete protein contains the 9 essential amino acids needed to build protein. Not all plant-based proteins are complete, but you can combine foods to make them whole. Although animal proteins are the richest source of complete proteins, you can definitely make it work with vegan protein substitutes.
There are also a few plant-based sources of complete protein, including:
- Quinoa
- Buckwheat
- Hempseed
- Blue-green algae
- Soybeans
These sources may not contain as much protein per serving as animal products, but they do contain all the essential amino acids.
Just for your info, combining the incomplete proteins at the same meal is not needed. As long as you have a variety of plant-based proteins daily, you should have your bases covered as far as your essential amino acids.
Here's a list of the best vegan sources of protein, some of which are complete proteins.
In a one-cup serving of quinoa, you will get 8 grams of protein. Quinoa is a complete protein, as I mentioned, and is considered a pseudocereal because it does not grow from grasses like other cereal grains. Quinoa is a source of fiber, magnesium, iron, and more. Quinoa is good at any time of day, even for a chocolate breakfast bowl!
Tofu, made from soy, is probably one of the most well-known vegan protein substitutes. Before veganism became as prominent as it is today and being a vegetarian was more well known, tofu was the go-to substitute for meat. Tofu takes on the flavors of the spices and sauces it is cooked with, so it is pretty versatile. A half-cup serving has 11 grams of protein.
Buckwheat is gluten-free and also a pseudocereal. It has 6 grams of protein per one cup serving. This protein is considered anti-inflammatory and beneficial to cholesterol levels. I like using buckwheat flour in my buckwheat waffles.
Tempeh is packed with protein at 15 grams per half cup. Like tofu, tempeh is made from soybeans. The flavor is described as nutty, and it is used in soups, chilis, and even burgers. Tempeh is also considered a probiotic food. Read more about tempeh and other excellent sources of fermented foods.
Edamame beans are immature soybeans and contain 8.5 grams of protein in half a cup. Top your salads with these little protein nuggets for an easy to add boost, or add them to a tasty corn edamame salad.
Lentils have close to 9 grams of protein in a half cup. They are a great source of fiber, too. Adequate fiber intake can lower your cholesterol and a whole lot more. For the nitty-gritty on how good fiber is for you and how to get more, read my post. Check out my favorite high-protein Lentil and Quinoa Salad.
When I say beans, I’m including pinto, kidney, and black beans. Chickpeas are also a bean – you may have heard them called garbanzo beans. Beans contain around 15 grams of protein per cooked cup. They’ve got a ton of vitamins and minerals, too. Try my instant pot black beans ← delicious!
Peas have 9 grams of protein in a cooked cup serving. Like lentils, they have lots of fiber and are great for adding iron to your day.
As for nuts, almonds, walnuts, and peanuts, to name a few, are all sources of protein. Peanuts, for example, have 20.5 grams of protein per one half cup. I like to make peanut butter as a yummy source of protein.
Spirulina typically comes as a powder or supplement. Add it to your favorite smoothie or top your salad with it. Not only is spirulina a good plant-based protein source, but it also may have anti-inflammatory properties to boost immunity.
There are many vegetables with protein. Broccoli, mushrooms, kale, and baked potatoes are just a few. Make a salad with broccoli flowerets, kale, spinach, and beans sprouts. Top it with quinoa and chia seeds. That’s a protein-packed salad!
Although the protein count is lower, you can rely on some of the common fruits for a boost. Every now and then, grab a banana or nectarine, or toss a handful of blackberries on a serving of overnight oats or a protein smoothie.
Another great combo of fiber and protein is oats. Not only do they have about 10 grams in a cup serving, but they also have iron, zinc, B vitamins, and phosphorous. They are considered the healthiest grain.
Wheat gluten is the main component of seitan, so it is not a suitable vegan protein substitute for those intolerant to gluten or celiac sufferers. Two ounces of seitan has 15 grams of protein. Veggie burgers and other meat alternatives often contain seitan.
Defatted soy flour undergoes pressure cooking and dehydration to become textured vegetable/soy protein. It’s similar to tofu in that it does not have a lot of flavor, making it an excellent addition to many dishes. The protein content in a one-quarter cup is 12 grams.
Grains like wild rice, brown rice, and barley do contain protein. I would suggest using them as a complement to your other vegan and vegetarian protein choices. Wild rice is not stripped of the bran, which means it packs a decent amount of fiber per serving. As for protein, one cooked cup has 7 grams of protein.
Many vegans and vegetarians turn to soy milk as a replacement for dairy. One cup of soy milk has 7 grams of protein and is also a great way to add calcium and vitamin D to your diet. Studies show that soy may help your mood and benefit your skin, among other things.
Sprouted whole grains and good-for-you legumes are used to make Ezekiel bread. Lentils, barley, spelt, and millet are other healthy ingredients. Two slices can contain 8 grams of protein. Ezekiel bread, because of the sprouted grains, has the all-important lysine and tryptophan, two of the 9 essential amino acids obtained in plant-based foods.
Spelt is an ancient grain with a hefty protein content. One cooked cup has 10 grams of protein. You can use spelt like oatmeal or use it in my favorite way, which is in baking. I’ll tell you how to use spelt flour here. Then, try making my Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins!
Nutritional yeast is ideal in that it’s a pretty popular substitute for parmesan cheese. It has a great cheesy flavor and has 14 grams of protein per ounce.
Check out my vegetarian meal plan for a great veggie option to get started!
This post contains affiliate links for products I use regularly and highly recommend.
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