This post will show you what the research says to reduce inflammation naturally, for better physical, emotional, and mental health.
Inflammation isn't fun. It's downright uncomfortable and the daily pain can wreak havoc on your quality of life. It really does need to be taken seriously because it can trigger a long list health problems.
That's why I've dedicated quite a few blog posts to the subject. What Is Inflammation? There's a post on the 18 Top Anti-Inflammatory Foods, and one on How Walking Can Reduce Inflammation.
But today we're going to take a broader approach and list a bunch of things you can do to reduce inflammation naturally. Of course, there are cases where medication is absolutely appropriate, and I always recommend you speak with your doctor or medical professional before taking any dietary action to deal with your inflammation.
Follow along as we dive into some wonderfully natural ways to reduce inflammation naturally.
What Is The Fastest Way To Reduce Inflammation In The Body?
If you want to reduce that inflammation, you can ditch those inflammatory foods (at least for a certain period). If you aren't sure how to go about these changes, you can check out this 5-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet Meal Plan.
What Can I Drink To Reduce Inflammation?
Give the following a try...
- Lemon water: There's a reason why everyone loves lemon water...and not just because it aids in weight loss! The antioxidants that you'll find in lemons are powerful anti-inflammatory agents. They reduce swelling and help your body repair damaged tissues. You can check out my blog post for more infused water recipes for ideas!
- Apple cider vinegar: Another household product that can help ease inflammation would be none other than apple cider vinegar. It contains powerful antioxidants.
- Turmeric Tea: The curcumin in turmeric is actually a curcuminoid (an anti-inflammatory compound that decreases swelling). There have been several studies that show turmeric to be "just as effective as ibuprofen for reducing inflammation, swelling and pain."
5 Ways To Reduce Inflammation Naturally
1. Include anti-inflammatory foods in your diet
People often think that taking supplements and medications will magically make the inflammation go away. But, if you want to reduce inflammation for the long term, you need to focus on your food choices. Specifically, this means including whole, anti-inflammatory foods in your diet.
Check out my 5-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet Meal Plan if you need help.
Whole foods to consider including are:
- nuts (like almonds and walnuts)
- berries (like blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries)
- olive oil and coconut oil
- dark, leafy greens (like kale and spinach)
- whole grains (like quinoa, brown rice, wild rice)
- red grapes
- beans and lentils
- avocado
- cold water fish like tuna and fatty fish like salmon and mackerel
- olives
- broccoli
- cauliflower
- green tea (matcha)
- spices, like pepper, turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon
- dark chocolate
- chia seeds
- flax seeds
- citrus (like oranges and lemons)
- natural sweeteners (like dates and pure maple syrup)
- root starches (like sweet potatoes, beets, and potatoes)
2. Get more exercise
Another way to offset your inflammation would be to simply "move." In fact, studies show that the least sedentary people had the lowest inflammation even when they didn't lose weight.
People who fit walking into their lifestyle (instead of always being sedentary) have lower levels of inflammatory markers in the body.
3. Keep your stress level at bay
My inflammation tends to flare up whenever I'm having a stressful week. This response was researched in the study, "Brain, Behaviour, and Immunity," which found that people who have a strong response to stressful tasks experience an increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Did you know probiotics can help with stress? Read my post on fermented foods to learn more.
4. Manage your blood sugar
One way to reduce inflammation is to limit processed, simple carbohydrates, such as white flour, rice, refined sugar, and other forms of sweeteners.
If you aren't sure which breads to substitute, you can check my blog 6 Best Store Bought Breads.
5. Get a massage
Enjoying a long massage isn't just for R&R! Research shows that getting a massage can slightly reduces your body's cortisol levels (the stress hormone).
6. Get enough sleep
Notice how when you lack sleep you get extra cranky and little things tend to frazzle you easily? When you don't get enough sleep you're more prone to getting stressed which leads to more inflammation. So make sure that you get enough zzzz's to lower your inflammation levels.
This post contains affiliate links for products I use regularly and highly recommend.
John W
As someone who has RA, UCTD, osteoarthritis, prediabetes, CKD, and a BMI of 31, I have had to make drastic changes to my diet and activity level to avoid extreme pain everyday. Your common sense approach works well is fantastic for reducing pain and making you feel better! Not selling supplements or other products and focusing on changing diet and life style can do amazing things. Much appreciated!